Ayurveda, the most effective ancient healthcare medical system.
Welcome to the world of traditional Indian medicine & Treatment methods
Ayurveda, the most effective ancient healthcare medical system.
A complete authentic Ayurvedic experience awaits you at Hitam Ayurveda.
A complete authentic Ayurvedic experience awaits you at Hitam Ayurveda.
No two individuals are alike. Hitam Ayurveda follows “Ayunique”. It examines the patient and disease
with an aim to diagnose the root cause and offer completely personalised treatment.
Various treatments for Fissures
Ayurveda offers various effective treatments for anal fissures. An [...]
Various treatments for Fistula / Bhagandhara
Ayurveda offers several treatments for fistula, also known as Bhagandhara. [...]
Various treatments for piles / hemorrhoids
Ayurveda offers various treatments for piles, also known as hemorrhoids. [...]
Always seek advice from qualified healthcare providers before making significant changes to your health regimen.