Hitam Ayurvedic Anorectal Institute

Meet our best Ayurvedic Proctology doctors and surgeons, your trusted healers for anus and rectal health. With unparalleled expertise and genuine care, they offer personalized treatments for lasting relief. Experience their compassionate guidance and holistic approach towards your well-being. Your anus and rectal health is in the hands of the finest practitioners in the field. Schedule a consultation with our top doctors and surgeons today.

Meet Dr. MDP Raja, a highly experienced Ayurvedic Proctology doctor, renowned for his expertise in treating disorders related to the rectum and anus. With over two decades of dedicated practice, he has earned a reputation as a compassionate healer and a leading authority in the field of Ayurvedic proctology.

Dr. Raja’s journey into Ayurveda began with a profound fascination for traditional healing systems and a desire to alleviate the suffering of patients struggling with rectal ailments. After completing his formal Ayurvedic education, he pursued specialized training in proctology under esteemed mentors, both in India and abroad.

His empathetic approach towards patients, coupled with a deep understanding of Ayurvedic principles, has allowed him to effectively diagnose and treat a wide range of proctological conditions, including hemorrhoids, anal fissures, fistulas, and pilonidal sinus, among others. Dr. Raja firmly believes in the holistic nature of Ayurveda, addressing not only the physical symptoms but also delving into the emotional and lifestyle aspects of each patient’s life.

Patients often praise his ability to put them at ease, creating an environment of trust and open communication. Dr. Raja’s treatment plans are meticulously tailored, considering each patient’s unique constitution (dosha) and medical history. He combines traditional Ayurvedic therapies with modern diagnostic techniques to offer comprehensive and effective solutions.

Beyond his clinical practice, Dr. Raja actively contributes to the advancement of Ayurvedic proctology through research, publications, and participation in international conferences. He is also a sought-after lecturer and educator, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with the next generation of Ayurvedic practitioners.

With his healing touch and profound knowledge, Dr. MDP Raja has transformed the lives of countless individuals struggling with proctological issues, restoring their health and hope for a better quality of life. His commitment to Ayurveda and his patients continues to inspire and make a significant impact on the field of Ayurvedic proctology.

Meet Dr. MDP Raja, a highly experienced Ayurvedic Proctology doctor, renowned for his expertise in treating disorders related to the rectum and anus. Over two decades of dedicated practice, he has earned a reputation as a compassionate healer and a leading authority in Ayurvedic proctology.
Introducing Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao Proctology Doctor – a skilled and compassionate healer specializing in rectal health. With a passion for providing exceptional patient care, work closely with our lead doctors to offer personalized treatments and support. Dedication to understanding your unique needs ensures a comforting experience throughout your healing journey. Trust in his expertise and genuine care to guide you toward optimal rectal wellness. Your well-being is a top priority, making you an invaluable part of our healthcare team.
Meet our Proctology Doctor, Dr. R. Chandravani. With a passion for patient care and a dedication to excellence, Dr. R. Chandravani is a valuable asset to our team. Trained in the intricacies of proctological conditions, she offer compassionate support and personalized treatments. Whether it’s piles, fissures, or fistulas, Dr. R. Chandravani is committed to helping patients find relief and restore their well-being. Trust in her expertise and genuine care as she guide you towards a healthier and happier tomorrow.
Skilled practitioner specializing in administering anesthesia through the lens of Ayurveda. With a deep understanding of herbal anesthetic techniques and natural remedies, Lalu Ketavath ensures patients’ comfort and safety during procedures. his holistic approach and attention to individual needs create a soothing experience for each patient. Trust in Lalu Ketavath to provide expert care, combining Ayurvedic wisdom with modern practices, for a serene and anxiety-free anesthesia journey.